One month of MT4Professional 3.0.0🎂: a quick general update

Exactly one month ago we released MT4Professional 3.0.0. A fully rewritten version with new features, a faster scanner and a better user experience.

Why is this version so important?

Because we have totally rewritten it, according to the feedback you provided in the last 5 years (yeah, this year MT4Professional is 5 years old).

So it's only thanks to your continuous feedback that we were able to create the best MT4Professional ever! In other words, you have contributed a lot to the creation of MT4Professional, for this reason we haven't asked any money for the upgrade (also for those who have lifetime plans).
Below you can watch the recording of the presentation webinar we hold on 14th December 2020.

Keep on reading the article to know the other reasons why your feedback is important...

MT4Professional 3.0.0 presentation webinar

Watch It

MT4Professional 3.0.0 one month history: what happened?

We didn't stop with just the new version release...

Continuos MT4Professional 3.0.0 improvements and feedback

We received all positive feedback from you this month, mainly you appreciated:

  • The better user experience that allows also news users to start using MT4Professional like a pro
  • The faster scanner
  • MT5 Version
  • New example presets

Now most of you use only the new version.

But even if we are glad to receive positive feedback, we need negative feedback too to improve us 🙂, we always encourage you to tell us how to improve MT4Professional.

We are happy you communicated us minor fixes to bring, we will fix them in the next release, continue to read the article to learn more.
If you want you are still in time to give us your feedback for the new version.

MT4Professional site rebranding

As you can see we have changed MT4Professional homepage, adapting it to the new version. So don't worry if you find it different, you are still on MT4Professional!

With the new website we have also launched our blog and this is the very first post 😁.

Member area changes

We performed some changes also in the member area.

The old documentation section has been removed since now the entire documentation is hosted in the support portal knowledge base, don't worry you can find the link to the portal in the member area settings and in the software.

Since we removed the old documentation section we created a new home section. Now when you log into the member area you can find a home section with the following to simplify your life:

  • Onboarding steps, where you can see if you missed some important MT4Professional features that can help your daily trading
  • Links to easily go to the main sections: documentation, skype group, schedule call service and so on...
Member Area Home

Last but not least, we have now the possibility to download MT4Professional for MT5.

MT4Professional roadmap

We'll continue to improve MT4Professional in the next months, so we still need your help.

MT4Professional v2.1.4 end of life 😢

At the end of the year (midnight of 31st December 2021) the version v2.1.4 will reach the end of life. Until that date you'll be able to use that version without any limits.

We are sorry about this but we want to dedicate our effort to create new values in the new version.

We remind you can convert your old configurations to the new MT4Professional 3.0.0 format using our converter tool.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any issues.

In the next months we'll give you more info with dedicated articles about the v2.1.4 end of life, stay tuned!

MT4Professional v3.0.1

In the next weeks we will release MT4Professional v3.0.1 which contains minor fixes for minor issues you reported during this month, if you may discover any issues do not hesitate to tell us.

Long term roadmap

In the next months we want to continuously improve MT4Professional with new features and ideas.

If you have any ideas on how to improve MT4Professional or a feature that you'd like to have, even if you think it's a stupid idea, just tell us. Tell us also if you want back some of the old features we removed with the new MT4Professional 3.0.0.

Once you have posted some ideas we will launch a survey to let you vote on the best ideas to be implemented in the next releases.

We'll continue to keep you updated on MT4Professional news and lots more... stay tuned!